On tomorrow's pages

Friday, February 27, 2009


Much to my surprise (and what a nice surprise, I must say), I got e-mail from Carioca (and Mineira) songwriter Sueli Costa, whose song, Cordilheiras (Mountain ranges) co-written with great poet Paulo César Pinheiro, was covered the day before yesterday here on Radio Universal. I sent her the link to the post and had the more than pleasant surprise of her visit on my humble weblog (according to Sueli herself in the reply e-mail she sent me).

On her e-mail, she thanks me for sending her comments that she regarded as nice and says she's loved it. She added that she saw the link to her site on my blog as well as the post on Mountain Ranges and closed with a big and cordial hug that sounded so lively even in the cold universe of the text readers. This human warmth, so Brazilian, that not even the power of the machines can beat.

Here on Radio Universal it's a great honor to receive the visit of a Brazilian songwriter that is too active by far, with compositions recorded by stars of Brazilian Music as Alaíde Costa, Altemar Dutra, Amelinha, Ângela Rô Rô, Beth Carvalho, Carlinhos Vergueiro, Cauby Peixoto, Claudette Soares, Diana Pequeno, Dóris Monteiro, Edson Cordeiro, Elis Regina, Fafá de Belém, Fagner, Fátima Guedes, Flora Purim and Airto Moreira, Gal Costa, Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, Ivan Lins, Jane Duboc, Joanna, Leci Brandão, Leila Pinheiro, Lucinha Lins, Maria Bethânia, Maria Creuza, Marco Nanini, Marília Medalha, Marisa Gata Mansa, Maurício Tapajós, MPB 4 and Quarteto em Cy, Nana Caymmi, Nara Leão, Ney Matogrosso, Nora Ney, Norma Benguell, Olívia Byington, Pedro Mariano, Pepê Castro Neves, Pery Ribeiro, Quarteto em Cy, Renato Braz, Rosinha de Valença, Simone, Tito Madi, Verônica Sabino, Wanderléa, Zélia Duncan, Zizi Possi and so many others (well, the blog page has to load fast, doesn't it?).

"You disappeared last night", said Andrés' voice behind me.

Quickly and instinctively I hit alt + tab and kicked the blog window into the background behind a saviour notepad. From the bedroom door, without motioning to walk in, the kid said it was not necessary.

"Sorry to trouble you, but I saw the room open and stopped only to call you for breakfast. It was my mom who asked me to."

"No problem, young man; you're at home."

He took off as if he could vanish in the air. I met him again already at the breakfast table, where the main course was my night walk yesterday. Aparecida said they had waited a bit to see if I showed up for dinner but gave up and decided to have dinner without me. I apologized for the inconvenience.

"We were only worried that you hadn't had dinner yet", added Duílio.

"To be honest, I was not very hungry yesterday."

Andrés stared at me in a strange fashion. Adriano just paid attention to the talk without intervening. We talked about the visit to Diogo and Gustavo's farm. Andrés told me there were newborn calves at their friend Guilherme's family's farm and asked me if I was in. I said so and he grinned his satisfaction at my response so brightly I should wear shades just to look at him. He said we'd go after lunch. I intended to pay master Danilo another visit, but would have to go along with Andrés, since I had committed myself to help.

"I'll go to the end of it", I promised.

"I'll remind you of this." His eyes glinted with satisfaction.

I got carried away and said something I knew I was going to regret later. Because I always regret. I didn't know where to hide. I didn't have a place to hide. Saw Adriano, Aparecida and Duílio look at me with astonished eyes at the power of my decision. I strongly felt I had said too much. I can't allow myself to slip like this. But there's no turning back. Andrés is just an ear-to-ear smile. There's nothing else left of him to account for.

Once more there was nothing of note on the farm we visited. I start to find the boys' modus operandi funny and amusing. I try to picture how it had been in former times when The Big One tried to come to town.

Guilherme and Renan were the brothers I met today. Unlike Diogo and Gustavo, they didn't let any speck of fear show during the calves' inspection on their farm. On the contrary, eagerness would be a more than fair word to express their feelings toward the matter that was being handled there. Andrés invited them for a meeting at Taurinos on the following day. Said all of the seven handlers had to be there, no exception. He added that there could be no more procrastination. That the Society had to be established at once for the upcoming confrontation.

"We have to gather the sacred ones for next week", he said it slowly, measuring the impact of the sentence on hearts and minds very carefully.

"Depending on me, I'd already bring our two sacred ones tomorrow", replied Guilherme impatiently.

"Can't this be tomorrow?" added Renan in anticipation, practically drooling.

The two looked real fierce yet very nice to me. They made a point of showing me the farm (that is, as every farm I've seen here so far, incredibly far from the bulls' pens), and asked me about my job.

In the car, I asked Andrés about why the bulls' pens were so far from the farm's houses and he said I already knew why. I just had to agree.

"The sacred ones are the bulls, no?"

"You've got it, Ms. Grisam."

"Have you already gathered the seven… how do you say, handlers?"

"Yes, at the school yard yesterday."

I decided not to go to master Danilo's today. Decided to wait until the end of the meeting, see what the outcome would be so that I could have more elements to take to discussion with master Danilo. I hope he can help me, maybe indicate some other handlers that were with him in his time, in case they were still alive. I want to listen in to as many people that took part in Taurinos' Ancient Society as I can, compare their knowledge, the memories, their opinions.

Man and boy | Taurinos' Ancient Society

Radio Universal: A Love Like Blood

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